
Michelle Conway

Specialty Areas:
Professional Development Specialist, Educational Technology

Michelle is a passionate educator with 10+ years of experience in various roles including secondary math teacher and instructional technology coach. She received her BS in Health Sciences from West Chester University and a MS in Measurement and Evaluation from American University. In her current role as a Regional Professional Development Specialist, she designs, develops, and facilitates Lumio and SMART training sessions to ensure that teachers are equipped with the skillsets to effectively implement these tools into their curriculum."

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Become a Lumio Ambassador Today

Join our one-hour session to become a certified Lumio Ambassador! In this session, you'll craft a lesson with us and complete the application process to gain certification. As a Lumio Ambassador, you will gain access to the Lumio Global Professional Learning Network which allows you to connect with fellow educators, see sneak peeks on updates, and influence the future of Lumio. Presented by SMART Professional Development Specialist, Michelle Conway.

Michelle is a passionate educator with 10+ years of experience in various roles including secondary math teacher and instructional technology coach. She received her BS in Health Sciences from West Chester University and a MS in Measurement and Evaluation from American University. In her current role as a Regional Professional Development Specialist, she designs, develops, and facilitates Lumio and SMART training sessions to ensure that teachers are equipped with the skillsets to effectively implement these tools into their curriculum.

Digital Online Certifications

Below are some popular Digital Teacher Certifications that are available as a series of online courses. Click on a logo to start your certification track today!

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