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Administrators 30 min - 45 min Special Education 6th - 8th English

Dyslexia and Technology - Using Microsoft Tools in the Classroom

Did you know that in today’s classrooms, it is estimated that one in five students have dyslexia? There are likely far more who have not yet been diagnosed. Join us as we explore the tools in Microsoft Suite that can help educators and families to understand this common learning difference. We will explore these tools so families and teachers can better recognize and support their dyslexic learners, helping them improve their reading and writing comprehension in the process.

Apps to Support the Exceptional Education Setting

This app-centric course will cover a variety of skills and creation-based apps that are useful in any Exceptional Education classroom. In this session, we will not only cover the functionality of the apps, but also best practices to incorporate them effectively with students, like using iPads as a center for assessment or behavior management tool. This session will also reveal some of the best-kept accessibility secrets to help you reach all types of learners.

College and Career Readiness for Special Needs Students

As special education teachers, we are equally as responsible as our general education colleagues for addressing college and career readiness in our students. Lessons learned in grades K-12 will pave the way for our students, and we should strive to enable our students to show good decision making skills and transition smoothly to life after graduation. Join us for this session as we share strategies for helping students with special needs, and their parents, to identify a path that will lead to greater success in high school and beyond!

Assistive Technology (AT) Resources

Teaching students with physical, cognitive, or learning disabilities can be a demanding but rewarding job. Teachers need to think about all possible adjustments and supports that will help these students in the school (and post-school) environment. Having a set of tools ready to go at any time can be the difference between successful lessons and negative experiences. Join us as we explore some great resources for working with students who require assistive technology!

Using Screencastify to Provide Special Ed Accommodations

Teachers now know a lot more about remote learning and have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't. However, you may still be struggling with figuring out how to make your assessments more reliable and accessible for your Special Education students. In this course, we'll cover how programs like Screencastify can help you provide Special Education accommodations — such as the “test-read” option — even when students are not learning in a face-to-face setting.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 13- Final Assignment

Congratulations! You have made it to the last session in our Assistive Technology certification series. You are one assignment away from earning your certificate! In this session, we'll provide you with an example final assignment and a detailed look at the rubric that will be used to grade your submission.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 12- Future Innovations in AT

With all of the advances in technology each day, Assistive Technology is no exception. In recent years, calculators, high-def electronic glasses, and smartpens– to name a few, have made their appearance in the AT world. In Session 12 of our AT certification, we will explore the innovation that has been directed toward addressing students with special needs.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 9- Evaluation of AT

Assistive Technology in education is about much more than selecting and implementing the specific tool or device. Beyond the preliminary assessment to ensure a “match” between the students' abilities and the features of a device, comes the ongoing monitoring to make sure the tool is achieving its intended purpose. Join us in Session 9 to explore plans for evaluating Assistive Technology.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 8- Software & Internet Accessibility

There are a number of software solutions that fall under the Assistive Technology umbrella. In addition, accessibility features such as screen readers, magnification, and alternative input software help individuals with disabilities with daily assignments in the classroom. In Session 8 of our AT certification, we will explore some of the software and accessibility supports out there to help students with mild to significant physical, cognitive, and sensory disabilities.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 6- AT in Different Environments

Assistive Technology is used widely in school settings but also prevalent in other environments such as the home, workplace, and various locations in the community. Devices like hearing aids, wheelchairs, and braille systems are just some examples of AT equipment that are geared towards improving the everyday life of people with disabilities. In session 6, we will explore the use of AT devices in various settings outside of the classroom.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 4- AT vs. Accommodations

What if we told you that all Assistive Technology devices are classified as accommodations but not all accommodations are categorized as AT? In Session 4 of our Assistive Technology certification, we will dive into the differences between AT and accommodations by taking a closer look at the four main types of accommodations as well as the spectrum of tools and devices that fall under the AT umbrella.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 3- Laws

When it comes to Assistive Technology, there is a wide range of services and devices that children may be entitled to. In Session 3 of our Assistive Technology certification, we'll dive into federal law and review some of the existing laws regarding AT and the progression over time. We'll also explore the terminology and acronyms used in conversations about AT.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 2- Evolution of Assistive Technology

Let's explore what Assistive Technology is all about. In session 2, we'll identify various disabilities and discuss how AT can support those struggling with a physical, sensory, or cognitive disability. We will also discuss the history and evolution of assistive technology to identify the most beneficial tools and devices for our students. Join us as we take a deeper dive into where AT started and how it continues to advance.

MC: Assistive Technology Certification Session 1- Introduction

Join us for the first session in our Assistive Technology (AT) certification! We'll start off the certification with an introduction to the series, and discuss the breakdown of courses, assignment requirements, and support resources. Then, we'll explore the first legal mandates of AT in education, and cover examples of products and equipment that exist to improve learning for people with cognitive problems, physical impairments, and learning disabilities.

Creating Virtual Calming Rooms

In times of stress, it is important to have outlets and coping strategies. This is often managed with calming techniques, mindfulness, and dedicated spaces for relaxation. What happens if your students are not physically present in school? In this course, we will go over how to offer social and emotional support and build emotional management skills in your students, whether you are teaching traditionally, hybrid, or remote. Digital calming spaces can be a great resource for students of all ages.

Creating a Personal Needs Profile

Are you looking to individualize the testing experience? Do you want to enhance access to the standardized testing administered to your Special Education students? The abundance of accessibility features can be overwhelming for teachers. In this course, we’ll provide guidelines to help you select appropriate, individualized accommodations rather than make a group decision for your class — just in time for testing season!