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Teachers Earns Certificate 15 min - 30 min Character Building 9th - 12th English Caylie Gaccione

Re-Adjusting to the Classroom: Strategies for ELLs

Teachers everywhere will rejoice when they can return to a "normal" classroom. The return to learn is near, but so many new challenges will be presented. For example, how will we best meet the needs of our ELL students? Unlike previous school years, where our ELL students benefited from daily immersion in the English language, they may have only received bits and pieces of English while learning remotely. How can we acclimate our ELL students as they re-adjust to in-person learning? Join us to learn some strategies to best support our ELLs as they re-adjust to the classroom.

SEL in a Socially Distant Classroom

Social distancing can pose an extraordinary challenge for classroom teachers. For educators who regularly relied on group work and activities that got students moving around the room, the prospect of teaching students six feet apart can be quite daunting. Additionally, this experience will be challenging for students as well. In this course, we’ll discuss how to continue social and emotional learning despite these challenges, and cover some tips and strategies to continue group work while keeping your students motivated, focused, and safe.

Social-Emotional Learning for New Teachers

Social-emotional learning is just as important for teachers as it is for students. What can we do to ensure that our mental health and well-being is supported, right from the start of the school year? In this session, we’ll learn the importance of social-emotional learning for educators as well as strategies for handling the stress and unknown of the new school year. We will also dive into specific resources that can help to support both you and your students. Let’s work together to create a positive mindset!