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Teachers Tech-Infused Lessons 30 min - 45 min 3rd - 5th English Adam Fragale

MAD-learn Design Thinking Process

This is our second session on MAD-learn where we will take a deeper dive into the 6 step Design Thinking Process. The team at MAD-learn has created this solution to make it easy for students and teachers alike to brainstorm an idea for an app. By following this step by step process, students will easily be able to build out their app and make their idea a reality. Join us as we look to build something together!

3D-Design Projects for the Art Classroom

Looking for ways to challenge your students in the art classroom? 3D design and printing has become a leading tool in education, especially when exploring STEAM and project-based learning. Join us as we share ideas for enhancing your pre-existing art lessons with 3D design. Plus, we'll go over activities that can help promote the interdisciplinary benefits of 3D design.

Building Cultural Awareness Through Oral History Projects

Understanding and recognizing that our classmates have different values shaped by diverse backgrounds can be learned through the use of oral history projects. In this session, we will discuss building cultural awareness in the classroom by utilizing Audacity to create meaningful oral history projects.