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Teachers Closed Captions 30 min - 45 min Robotics English Terry VanNoy

pi-top Project 4: Sonic Pi Basics

Continue your work with Sonic Pi in this special session where we'll learn how to code single notes, chords, and use music loops to do Live Coding. Join us for more musical fun!

pi-top Project 3: PULSE LEDs

The pi-top adventures continue as we explore the PULSE unit and its 7x7 grid of programmable LED lights. Join us to learn how to code colors, flashing lights, and even variables for moving your pixel around the grid.

Simple Circuits with Your pi-top Breadboard, Part 2

In this session, we'll take our work with pi-top breadboard circuits one step further. Join us as we add buzzers, buttons, and adjust our Python code to flash our LED lights.