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Teachers Product Familiarization 30 min - 45 min STEM English Caylie Gaccione

STEAM Challenges with Strawbees

Strawbees are the perfect tool to inspire students to be creators and inventors! In this session, we will explore Strawbees, a hands-on, easy-to-use kit filled with straws and connectors that students can use to build their own unique creations. We will dive into specific STEAM challenges that students can participate in. From building a bridge to crafting a ferris wheel, you’ll be amazed at how students’ imaginations will soar with Strawbees!

Glowforge Basics

Glowforge is a 3D laser printer that brings your ideas to life! This 3D printer allows for materials such as wood, leather, and acrylic to be easily customized. In this session, we’ll go over the basics of using Glowforge and cover how to get started with your Glowforge account. We’ll also discuss some activity ideas for your students so they can get started on creating their unique projects! Let’s explore what this user-friendly printer has to offer!

Go "Further" with pi-top

The Further website is now available for people to check out tutorials and projects to extend their pi-top skills. Join us as we explore Further's coding projects and learn how they can help students understand Python code, complete the physical construction of these great ideas, and more!