The Skills section is our collection of short videos that range from 1-5 minutes long. Use the search option or browse one of the popular ed tech platforms below for quick bite-sized content designed to teach you specific skills and/or features.
Google Skills

Google Chrome

To the right are short instructional videos associated with your selected skill. No Certificates can be earned upon completing these videos.

Reload/ Refresh Your Page

Does your tab ever freeze? Learn how to quickly reload or refresh your page on your browser. 

Pinning a Tab

Quickly learn how to pin a tab on your Chrome browser so that you can conveniently access it at any time. 

Bookmarking Websites in Google Chrome

Learn how to bookmark a website in your Chrome browser.

Site Settings and Permissions in Google Chrome

Learn how to access and adjust your site settings and security permissions in Chrome. 

Start Up Options in Google Chrome

Learn how to access and use start up options in your Chrome browser.

Where to Save Downloads (Chrome)

Learn how to adjust the download location and set download notifications on Chrome.

Appearance Settings (Chrome)

Learn how to personalize your Chrome browser by setting a theme or changing fonts, zoom, etc.

Viewing Your Browser History (Chrome)

Learn how to view your browsing tracks stored on your device.

Language Settings (Chrome)

Learn how to adjust the language settings and spell check settings within Google Chrome.

Accessibility Settings (Chrome)

Learn how to enable accessibility features within Google Chrome and access additional accessibility features on the Chrome Web Store.

Deleting Browser History (Chrome)

Learn how to delete any browsing tracks stored on your device.

Managing and Pinning Extensions in Chrome

This video will show you how to manage your extensions and pin extensions in Chrome.

Translating the Browser Menu in Google Chrome

This video will show you how to translate the browser menu in Google Chrome

Translating Web Pages in Google Chrome

This video will show you how to translate web pages in Google Chrome

How to Change Your Profile Name in Google and Google Classroom

Learn how to change your profile name in Google and Google Classroom.

Using Google Chrome as a Media Player

Learn how to use Google Chrome as a media player.

Creating a QR Code from the Chrome Omnibox

Join us to quickly learn how to create a QR Code from your Chrome browser!


Updating Your Chrome Browser

Learn how to check for updates on your Chrome browser!