The Skills section is our collection of short videos that range from 1-5 minutes long. Use the search option or browse one of the popular ed tech platforms below for quick bite-sized content designed to teach you specific skills and/or features.
Canvas Skills


To the right are short instructional videos associated with your selected skill. No Certificates can be earned upon completing these videos.

Canvas - Creating a Course

Inside the Canvas LMS, teachers can create new courses, set the start/stop dates and get things ready for students to join.

Canvas - Creating a Module

This skills video shows how to add a course module, which is an organizational structure for your Canvas course.

Canvas - Announcements and Discussions

In this video we'll explore how teachers can post announcments to keep their students currrent with what is going on.  Also, discussions during class are a great tool for going deeper into what the students should know.

Canvas - Tracking Attendance

In this video we'll explore how the teacher can track students' attendance and create a seating chart.

Como enviar un mensaje

En este video, aprenderá a enviar un mensaje a los profesores en Canvas. 

Cómo iniciar sesión en la aplicación de Canvas

En este video, aprenderá cómo iniciar una sesión utilizando la aplicación Canvas en su dispositivo móvil o tableta.

Canvas - Adjusting Gradebook Settings

Teachers can control what happens when students submit assignments late and also when posted grades can be displayed or hidden.