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Teachers Earns Certificate 30 min - 45 min Computer Science 6th - 8th Terry VanNoy

pi-top[4] Robotics Kit Bobbie Colored Ball Tracking

Meet Bobbie robot, built from the pi-top[4] Robotics Kit.  Using its camera for color filtering, we can program it to track down and find balls of a certain color.  Take a look!

pi-top[4] Robotics Kit Alex Line Following

With a pi-top[4] unit and a robot frame built from the Robotics Kit, I show how we can program Alex to follow a blue line path using its camera, servo motors and Python programming.

pi-top[4] Robotics Kit Alex Obstacle Avoidance

Third video in the series ... with a built robot frame and your pi-top[4] unit, you can program Alex to drive around and avoid obstacles using Python language.

pi-top[4] Basics

This course is the first of a series focusing on the pi-top[4] unit for using Python programming.  Emphasis is placed on displaying its Sirius OS on a board, monitor or computer screen, connecting with a wireless network, and using the built-in Mu application to store, edit and run code.