The Google Educator Basics micro-credential is encouraged for new users of Google Workspace for Education. This is a 15-part series that covers all the essential Google Workspace for Education apps and how to best use them within an educational setting. Before earning your certificate, you will be tasked with completing an interactive Google Site that can be used in your classroom. This micro-credential will also prepare you for the Google Level 1 Educator Exam. The Google Advanced micro-credential is a 12-part series that covers the Google Workspace for Education tools in depth. Before earning your certificate, you will complete an interactive lesson plan that can be used to engage students in your classroom. This micro-credential will also prepare you for the Google Level 2 Educator Exam.

There are two Google Educator Certifications.

The SMART Learning Suite micro-credential covers using SMART Notebook and SMART Learning Suite Online (SLSO) to create interactive lessons, activities, and assessments to be delivered to students both in and out of the classroom. This micro-credential includes an assignment to create a completely interactive SMART Learning Suite file that can be used to engage students in your classroom.

This is an 8 part series of courses.

The Promethean micro-credential covers using ActivInspire (the installed desktop component) and Classflow (the online component) to create interactive lesson activities and assessments for the classroom. This micro-credential includes a final assignment to create a completely interactive Flipchart file that can be used to introduce and/or assess students on content taught.

This is an 8 part series of courses.

The Microsoft Office 365 micro-credential covers using various Microsoft programs to create and share lessons, organize your files, schedule and conduct meetings, collect and interpret student data, and much more. At the end of the micro-credential, you will showcase your skills by completing an assignment in which you create a meeting and associated interactive files that can be delivered in person or remotely.

This is a 10 part series of courses.

The Assistive Technology (AT) micro-credential covers everything you need to know about leveraging assistive technology in the classroom. We start with a look at the evolution of AT and the federal laws that relate to its use in the classroom. Then, we’ll cover uses and expressions of AT in the classroom, from the technical to the pedagogical. We wrap up the micro-credential with a look at needs assessment, equity and ethical concerns, and a final assignment that will complete your micro-credential.

This is a 13 part series of courses.

The Apple track will teach you the ins and outs of the many apple applications, as well as how to incorporate them into your classroom instruction. Topics include settings and accessibility features, Safari, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, GarageBand, and iMovie. A final assignment at the end of this series will enable you to integrate these apps to create an engaging and cohesive presentation.

There are two Apple Certifications.

3D Printing
The 3D Printing and Design micro-credential covers the 3D Printing process from design to print. Explore the hardware, software and printing procedure over the course of this 8 part micro-credential. Topics include an introduction to Tinkercad as well as a discussion of popular 3D printers used in the classroom. This micro-credential includes a final assignment that will showcase your knowledge of 3D design and help you create ready to use materials for your classroom.

This is an 8 part series of courses.

The Edpuzzle Micro-credential is ideal for teachers just getting started with Edpuzzle or teachers who have been using it but want to get more out of this great educational tool! Explore how you can enhance your preexisting lessons, support varied learning needs, and even use Edpuzzle for project-based learning (PBL). This micro-credential includes a final assignment that will showcase your knowledge of the Edpuzzle platform and help you create ready to use materials for your classroom.

This is an 8 part series of courses.

The School Leadership Microcredential examines the various roles and responsibilities of a school leadership team members. We will start by exploring the characteristics of leadership and how to develop a school culture of collaboration and feedback. Next, the focus will shift to teacher development, coaching, and creating a sustainable professional development plan. We'll also cover topics like observations, 1:1 sessions, and family relations. At the end of the microcredential, you will showcase your learning through a final project incorporating the skills, theories, and methods you’ve developed.

This is a 11 part series of courses.

From Flat to 3D: Become a Next-Generation Science Teacher
Elevate your science teaching with the Become a Next Generation Science Teacher Micro-Credential. This three-part series equips you with the skills to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences for your students. You'll learn how to leverage real-world phenomena to spark curiosity, provide targeted feedback through various assessments, and create a classroom environment where students are active participants. Join us to foster a lifelong love of science, develop students’ critical thinking, and promote deeper learning.

This is a 5 part series of courses.

The science of reading micro-credential will provide viewers with a solid foundation of the tenants of reading instruction. We will delve into each component critical for understanding the philosophy behind the science of reading. Some topics that will be covered include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. This series will feature applicable assignments to help teachers put this philosophy into practice that you can use for the teaching and remediation of reading.