The Skills section is our collection of short videos that range from 1-5 minutes long. Use the search option or browse one of the popular ed tech platforms below for quick bite-sized content designed to teach you specific skills and/or features.

Tech-tivities are helpful activities to jumpstart meaningful learning and engage students. Our Tech-tivities help educators bring technology into learning - and they do it by scaffolding do-anywhere activities...
Activities to help
jumpstart learning

Learn the ins and outs of your new STEM products with our fun, tutorial videos. We will cover what it is, how it works, and equip you and your students to use it in the classroom.
I want some quick tips around
educational technology
Sharpen your SMART skills with our series of instructional videos that guide you through the basics. Increase your knowledge of how to use a SMART Board with these quick tips.
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tips around
SMART boards
Learn about easy to manage technology that transforms classroom time. Educators can focus on delivering personalized learning experiences that help enable better learning outcomes
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around Microsoft
Learn how Google tools and resources help teachers and students create, collaborate, and build digital skills for the future.
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tips around
Google technology
Learn how Apple tools can help you guide how your students use devices and apps in the classroom, and give you valuable insight into each student's progress as they work with them.
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tips around
Apple technology
Learn how to use your Schoology Learning Management system through a series of short Instructional Skills videos designed to teach you specific functions and features avalible in this LMS.
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around Schoology
Learn how to use your Canvas Learning Management system through a series of short Instructional Skills videos designed to teach you specific functions and features avalible in this LMS.
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tips around
Canvas technology

Learn how to use your Go Guardian solution system through a series of short instructional Skills videos designed to teach you specific functions and features to manage your school's 1:1 technology
I want some quick tips
around GoGuardian

In this Did You Know series from Sora find out some quick steps to get your Sora account running smoothly with your students and best practices.
I want some quick tips
around Sora