Individual, District, and School Plans
Faculty. Staff. Administrator. Parents. No matter who you are, OTIS for educators professional development offers just the right solution for you. If you are a teacher and sign up as a basic user, you can now purchase single courses for $4.00 each and certification tracks ranging from $30 to $40 per track. Or you can sign up for an individual license at $99/year and have access to the entire library and platform features. If you are a district, school, or other campus we offer significant volume discounts. Whatever your needs, contact us and we will create a custom package to meet them.
Absolutely FREE
Access to All FREE courses
FREE Course Added Monthly
Track Personal Progress
Purchase Single Courses for $4.00
Purchase Digital Certification Tracks
Earn PD Hours Toward State Certification
$99.00/year + tax
Less than $9 per month
Single Individual License
Unlimited Access to All Courses
Track Personal Progress
Ask OTIS Support
Earn PD Hours Toward State Certification
Earn Badges and Certificates
Access to Skills and Tech-tivities
Access to Lessons
Licensing Plans
Manage Users
Track User Progress
Usage Reports
Assign Courses and Playlists
Ask OTIS Support
Earn PD Hours Toward State Certification
Earn Badges and Certificates
Self-service Admin
Access to Skills and Tech-tivities
Access to Lessons
Let OTIS Be Your Sidekick.
Convince your school administrator to purchase this for you!