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Peter Katcher
Specialty Areas:
Administration, Fine Arts, Instructional Coaching, School Culture
Peter comes to Teq with a wealth of experience in charter schools around NY as a teacher and administrator. Throughout his career, Peter has worked to improve schools and school culture through educator growth and development, coaching, and a focus on equitable outcomes for all.
Using STEM to Engage Students with Literacy
Practical strategies and practices for active reading of non-fiction subject content can be found across all subjects areas. In this session, you will gain a greater understanding of how skills in speaking, listening, and writing can be applied and developed across all subject areas. We will also explore how a cross curricular application of Bloom's Taxonomy and transferrable vocabulary relate to "traditional" curricular subjects.
You've got a new class, but what do you need to know about them? This course will share different data sources that you can use to plan your initial instruction and differentiate right from the start. We will explore a variety of collection tools that are immediately usable, easy to implement, and sustainable, through the Lumio, Mircrosoft, and Google platforms. Start the year off by supporting and enriching your student's learning.
MC: School Leadership: Session 2 - Defining Yourself as a Leader
In this second session of our Leadership Microcredential we will focus on the characteristics define you as a leader. We will explore several types of leadership and diverse ways to help you have a genuine and clear understanding of who you are, what you know, and how to understand your own tendencies and strengths. We will also discuss how to use this knowledge to develop as a role model and leader in your school community.
MC: School Leadership - Session 1 - Introduction
Welcome to session 1 of our Leadership Microcredential! In this session we will introduce you to the individual sessions that make up this course series, independent practice oppportunities and requirements such as the checkpoint assignments. We’ll also discuss where you can access support during the course series and introduce you to the main themes and apps we’ll cover throughout the sessions! Join us to learn all the information you’ll need to be successful in our Leadership Microcredential.
MC: School Leadership - Session 4 - Creating a Culture of Feedback
We hear the word feedback used every day, but how do we create an environment that welcomes feedback as a part of the culture of learning? Effective collection and the use of feedback tells your team that you genuinely care about their wellbeing and work performance. This course will share various methods of incorporating feedback as part of your school or district culture. We will also demonstrate multiple methods of delivering feedback and ways to ensure that feedback is being implemented with fidelity.
Coaching for Instructional Success
We often think of coaching as something that teachers and leaders get when they are struggling. Athletes at all levels receive coaching to continue to improve their skills. Educators need the same. In this session, we will begin to explore the world of instructional coaching and ways to embed best practices into your observation, coaching and teaching routines.
MC: School Leadership - Session 3 - Building a Culture of Collaboration and Learning
Collaborative learning requires active and meaningful participation from members of our teams. It’s important to create a safe and supportive environment where our team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions, asking questions, contributing to planning, engaging in problem solving, and sharing their experiences. In this course, we will explore various strategies to build relationships with your team, create a space for collaboration, and develop a team vision.
MC: School Leadership - Session 9 - Holding Effective 1:1 Meetings
1:1 meetings are quiet, yet focused, collaboration sessions for employees and supervisors to connect. They provide the chance for you to hear directly from your employees, as this is their time to share. As a supervisor, it’s important to create a space for this. In this course, we will explore various formats for meetings and communication to make the best of both your time as well as your teacher’s time.
MC: School Leadership - Session 10 - Building Strong Family and Community Involvement
Families are as important to the success of a school as the teachers and students. As leaders, it can often be difficult to balance relationships with your community and find the time to be more engaging. This course will give you different strategies and proven methods of engaging families, building involvement, and creating a partnership with the families in your school community.
Starting the School Year Strong with Classroom Management
Starting a school year can be equally exciting and stressful. New classes, new students, and different experiences can often present challenges. Join us as we discuss some best practices and ideas for creating and implementing practical, engaging, and sustainable classroom management systems to make the start of your school year a success!