
Jessica Wenke

Specialty Areas:
SMART/Lumio, Microsoft, Google

Jessica has experience in science communication and public education as well as instructional design and curriculum development. She’s happiest when helping others reach their potential.

Top Courses

Creating Your Own STEAM Makerspace Program: Ideas & Considerations

Were you unable to attend our session at ISTE 2018? Well, here it is! Makerspaces are becoming cornerstones of schools’ STEAM offerings. From low-tech buildable options to high-tech coded 3D prints, and some things in between, we’ve got a session to help you figure out what’s right for your solution. Bring your imagination and flex your creative muscles!

Putting the A in STEAM: Proportions of the Human Face

Did you know that mathematics and technology can support the visual arts? Let us show you how to take a classic lesson on facial symmetry and proportion and use it to increase students' digital literacy. You'll learn how to help students discover their digital identity, calculate the ratios for the "perfect" face, and more!

Persuasive Writing: Thanksgiving Edition!

Join our Curriculum Specialists for a Thanksgiving-themed session focused on persuasive writing. This session will provide a detailed overview of a lesson you can deliver in your classroom for this holiday season equipped with web tools, apps, and Notebook techniques to strengthen students’ persuasive writing skills.  The Thanksgiving writing prompt provided will be applicable to a number of grade levels! 

Combining STEM and Social Studies to Engineer a City

Urban planning is important. New York City has gridlock issues, Atlanta has traffic problems, and Boston has maze-like streets. Wouldn't it be convenient if we could just re-engineer a city to fix these issues? Or, what if we had had the foresight to plan them appropriately before they were constructed? If only it were that easy! In this session, join us as we dive into the history of urban planning, and leave with some great ideas on how to teach this important topic in your classroom.

Putting the A in STEAM: Getting Started with Graphic Design using Microsoft

Let's increase your students' artistic and technological aptitudes and equip them to go full STEAM ahead in Graphic Design! With Microsoft tools Fresh Paint, Sketchable, and Paint 3D, your students can begin to pursue their passions and develop niche skills in this exciting and sought-after field.

Going Further with Scratch

Did you watch our Intro to Scratch course? Did it leave you wanting more? Or maybe your already using Scratch in your classroom and you want to take it to the next level. Whatever the case this course will help you get there! Join us as we explore more of the scripts that Scratch has to offer and create more complex code!

Learn to Code on an iPad

There are many different computer programming languages that are associated with various tasks or operating systems. For example, you wouldn't create an Android application using Apple's Swift programming language, and you wouldn't use HTML to build an entire video game. Join us for some iPad app suggestions to learn about specific computer programming languages that fit your classroom's needs.

Co-teaching Models for Your ENL/ELL Population

Do you have extra teaching support in your classroom? And if so, are you leveraging that support to its fullest potential, especially for your ELL population? Join our session to discover the many co-teaching models you can use to restructure your classroom - and the ways you can use each of them to best support your English language learners.

Earth Day Activities for the Elementary Classroom

Don’t you hate it when you come home from a long day at work, just to realize you left your bedroom lights on all day? Do you notice in certain months your energy bill is higher than others? We know the importance of saving energy – but have we made an impactful change yet? Earth Day is often an unnoticed holiday and it's so important because it brings awareness to environmental issues and their simple solutions, or lack thereof! Join us as we discuss some fun elementary activities you can do with your students!  Remember, these activities can be done to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd, or throughout the year because after all, shouldn’t every day … be Earth Day?  

Mindfulness Activities for Middle and High School

Are your students having trouble paying attention, coping with change, or difficulty expressing their emotions? There are many layers of mindfulness that you might not know of. Join us as we share ways you can help your middle or high school students build flexibility and emotional toolkits. With these activities, your student will be well on their way to becoming mindful individuals capable of dealing with emotional challenges to be fully present and aware of whats happening in your lesson. 

Digital Online Certifications

Below are some popular Digital Teacher Certifications that are available as a series of online courses. Click on a logo to start your certification track today!

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Literacy Apps for Early Education